
Who I’m Loving on YouTube Right Now


If I don’t have Parks & Recreation or The Office on in the background daily (background noise is pretty essential when working from home on your own, or else you spend the whole day talking to yourself/singing and pissing the neighbours off), then I’ve got on a YouTube video of some sort. When I’m writing I need silence, but if I’m taking pictures or just generally pottering around then it’s nice to have a bit of babble to mix it up from the complete silence. To keep up with the large demand of YouTube videos I obviously need, I have a fair few subscriptions. The ‘Recommended For You’ section on the right hand side of the homepage coughs up some pretty on-point suggestions, so I’ve added a load of new subs recently spanning beauty and beyond. Today I thought I’d share if you’re in need of some new views too…

If you couldn’t already tell by my multiple mentions of her channel and sudden addiction to warm red-toned eyeshadows I’m having a bit of a moment with Jaclyn Hill. She’s funny, sassy, shouts ‘YAAASSS‘ all the time (major plus points for that in my book), does tutorials that make me want to apply all of the makeup and knows how to rock a warm toned eye look like no other. I’m slowly working my way through her back catalogue of videos which is a huge indicator that I’m a big fan. Two other U.S beauty gals I’m loving are Nicole Guerriero and Nikkie Tutorials. Nicole is beautiful and again I’m a big fan of her talk-through tutorials and hauls. Plus, I love that in her logo she always matches the little heart at the end to something in the video – details people, details. Nikki does fab tutorials too. I love her set-up – it’s so clear and easy to see what she’s doing – and things get really detailed so her looks always seem not too tough to replicate. While we’re on the subject of beauty, Kathleen Lights is adorable. I kind of want to pick her up and put her in my pocket. She’s a lover of warm eyeshadow too, so has also contributed to my current obsession with all things red on the eyes.

When it comes to vlogs there’s one guy who is bringing it on a whole other level right now – Casey Neistat. Beautifully shot and surprisingly motivating I feel like I want to add 10 million things to my to-do list after watching his videos. It also makes me tired, very tired. It’s a bit of a ‘Beyonce Casey Neistat has the same hours in a  day as you’ situation. Watch the vlogs, get motivated, write a list. That’s a good way to spend a Sunday right there.
