

Affiliates & Samples

Some links on The Anna Edit may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click on an affiliate link, go through to the retailer and purchase an item, I will receive a small percentage of your purchase. Adding affiliate links into a post is always the last step I do after the review has been written and my opinion on the product already formed. From 25th January 2019 affiliate links will be followed by a ‘*’ after the link.

The Anna Edit features products I’ve purchased myself and press samples, although I am not obliged to feature the latter. It is at my discretion. Some products may also be purchased with a press discount. From 25th January 2019, items that I have been gifted and I write about will be followed by ‘gifted’.

I only recommend products that I genuinely love and would recommend to a friend, but I can’t guarantee that everything will work on all skin types. Please take into account your own skin type and allergies and wherever possible test products out yourself before purchasing.

Adverts & Sponsorships

It’s a rare occurrence, but I may accept sponsored content on The Anna Edit, which means that I am financially compensated to publish a campaign or article. Any feature that The Anna Edit has been remunerated for will feature ‘AD’ in the title and will be clearly marked ‘This is a Paid for Advertisement by X’ as the first line of the post, or above the fold of the description box on YouTube videos. I only ever work with brands that I love on campaigns and features that I feel are relevant for The Anna Edit.

Cookies & Copyright

To provide the best browsing experience, The Anna Edit uses cookies and by visiting this site you are agreeing the use of cookies. For more information on the EU e-Privacy Directive or how to disable cookies please click here. The Anna Edit trades under the name Vivianna Does Makeup Limited.

Everything on The Anna Edit has been created by me (Anna Newton) unless otherwise stated. Please do not use any photos or content without asking my permission. You can contact me via [email protected].

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