
Trying To Get Mark Into Skincare

Mark Skincare

I have spent years, seriously years, trying to get Mark into skincare. It’s much like how he badgers me to buy a bike and go cycling with him. Not gonna happen (unless I can get one of those cute bikes with a basket on the front which he tells me are not designed for the rough terrain rides he wants to take me on). There have been flashes of a skincare routine throughout the years. He had a bit of a Kiehl’s moment last year, but once the products ran out they weren’t repurchased and he does manage to slap on a moisturiser every morning – the Boots Botanics Mens Moisturiser for Normal/Dry Skin incase you were wondering – but when it comes to anything else despite my coaxing, he’s just not into it.

I tried the reverse psychology trick – ‘Don’t ever think about using my facial oil’ – and buying him a little set to get started with, but let me tell you, that man is one tough cookie to please. Weleda Skin Food was ‘too heavy’, the La Roche Posay Effaclar range ‘stung too much’ and the OSKIA Moisturiser I once got him to use, ‘smelt like fish and chips’. I actually quite look forward to his evalutions – nothing is sugar-coated here.

In the famous words of Frozen, I let it go (nope, still haven’t watched that film). However, things changed a few weekend’s back when we attended this Chocolate Festival where Lush had a stand. We went to a session where we got to make our own Cupcake Face Mask. It was fun, messy and smelt so good. We each came home with a tub, popped it in the fridge and a few hours later I broached the subject of actually using our handmade treatments. Mark was game, and what came next was a hilarious 10 minutes where heaps of brown sludge fell to the floor as Mark attempted to negotiate mask application with a beard. Oh how we chuckled.

At the Chocolate Festival Mark also had a manly one-to-one chat about skincare with a fellow bearded Lush worker. He gave Mark some tips on how to clean your face with an abundance of hair in the way; a subject which despite my lady moustache I could never really advise on. After we washed our face masks off I suggested the use of an oil (like I’d overheard the guy recommending) and again Mark was game. We both slathered in the MV Skincare Rose Plus Booster and he complimented the scent and said how nice it felt. EUREKA!

Now Mark joining in with my skincare routine time isn’t a nightly occurrence, but every now and again he slinks in and uses the OSKIA Renaissance Cleansing Gel, pops a bit of oil on after and remarks that although he doesn’t notice a huge difference, his skin feels slightly softer and I’m happy with that. The compromise? I think it’s time for me to dust off my helmet and get back on the saddle…
