
Project (A Bit) More Makeup

I’ve decided to embrace a new makeup mantra for the immediate future; Project More Makeup. Now it doesn’t necessarily mean slapping on copious amounts of the stuff, nor the end of five product faces (gawd I love those), just a little shift in thinking spurred on by the following facts:

  • Time-strapped mornings. On makeup wearing days I faff about and usually end up with 20 minutes to shower, skincare-up and do my makeup. Hence why the whole five product face thang has become my go-to. I spend way too long in the mornings mulling over my YouTube subscription box (and Daily Mail goings-on *slaps wrist*) and way too little on making myself presentable, considering applying my daily face is a step that I enjoy. Time to cut the faff and spend some time in the makeup chair.
  • Using up the new stuff. So often recent additions to the stash get used and abused. Overly loved at first, then barged to the back of the drawer to gather dust by a newer, more shinny and chic recruit. Well I’m putting an end to the beauty bullying and pledge to give all products their fair share of air time; grabbing both old and new to conceal, correct and colour.
  • Experiment gurl. If I had a penny for every time I sported Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation then I’d be able to afford all the loungewear from COS I’m currently unable to walk past without ‘oooh’-ing and ‘ahhh’-ing over. It’s lovely, yes. But maybe there’s a gem in my drawers that I just haven’t given a chance yet (see point two). It’s time to veer away from my makeup comfort blankets and try something new.
  • Product longevity. Since my retirement from empties videos (my flat is just too tiny to have an overflowing bag of plastic in the corner permanently), I’ve found myself not racing through stuff as quickly or gravitating away from ‘oh-so-nearly-used-up’ products. Stop. Turn around. And use up that last dreg Anna.

So I’m sure the minimal look will creep in here and there and makeup-free trips out and about aren’t going to ever come to an end, but it’ll be nice on those occasions when I do fancy a bit of primping to spend a little more time on it, throw some new bits into the mix, use stuff up and experiment a little. Project More Makeup – you in? 
