
My Top Travel Tip


Today I thought I’d drop in with a non-beauty related travel tip. You guys all know by now that I don’t step on a plane without the This Works Deep Sleep Stress Less Rollerball and that I go MUJI crazy when it comes to packing, but another thing that I always pop in my bag is a Wallpaper Guide for my destination. These guides are awesome. The best. Mark and I try to do a little Amazon order for one to wherever we’re going a few weeks before we leave so we can get an idea of a few places that we just have to go to and it’s top of my packing list when we leave.

Each guide contains essential information, helpful numbers, a guide to the neighbourhoods in that particular city, guides to landmarks, hotels, architecture, shopping, sports – the lot – and has a pull out map in the back which isn’t too big so you don’t scream ‘HELLO I’M A TOURIST’ when you get it out in the street. We first used it back in Edinburgh and did everything in the ’24 Hours: See the Best of the City in Just One Day’ section and had a seriously good 24 hours. The guide takes you more into hotspots the locals love and off the well-trodden TripAdvisor path; tipping you off on some great hidden gems. Gems so hidden that you will have to stop people to ask for directions and thus give away your tourist status, but hey – it’s worth it when you find what you’re looking for.
