
My Bad Skin Day ‘SOS’ Kit


Now I’m typing this while touching wood with the other hand, because I feel like on the whole I’m pretty lucky with my skin. Yes there’s the odd outbreak of redness and a spot here and there around ‘that time of the month’ and sometimes one decides to set up camp on the crevice of my nose and it hurts to smile, oh and there’s a patch of dryness around my eyebrows that makes anything I put on top of it look crusty – but really these are minor niggles and I’m happy and comfortable with my complexion; makeup or naked. I’m easy. Back in the day whenever things got a little angry in my pores I’d dig into my drawers and pull out a tonne of products, smother them all on and wait for a miracle to happen. These days I’m a little more parred back in my approach, but there’s still a few items that I keep nearby for when my chops don’t want to play ball. Say hello to my bad skin day ‘SOS Kit’…

FOR REDNESS: Now there’s not really one particular product I use for this, it’s more just a change in regime and when things get nice and Rudolph-like in my nose and cheeks, I just strip back my routine to the bog basics that I know it loves and gets on with – anything I’ve been toying with recently is out. I also drink a tonne of water and try and eat a little cleaner. Boring, but it works.

FOR BLEMISHES: I used to go crazy with spot-fighters, that really just dried out my skin and made the problem worse. So on the whole I try and pretend that they’re not really there and not to apply 10 layers of concealer over them. There is one thing I do though and that’s to make sure I give the Charlotte Tilbury Goddess Skin Clay Mask a whirl as it gives my epidermis a good clean in a very gentle, non-irrating way. I also crack out the Caudalie Beauty Elixir as my toner of choice as blemishes just hate this stuff whereas my skin (and nasal passage) love it.

FOR DULL SKIN: This mainly happens after a late night when I get sucked into watching episodes of Parks & Recreation for the 67th time (my most watched is Fancy Party because the wedding makes me weep) and tired looking skin is usually for me characterised by dark circles and textural issues – nice. To stop my skin feeling like sandpaper I crack out the classic Peter Thomas Roth Pumpkin Enzyme Mask which leaves my cheeks feeling as soft as a babies bottom and for my eyes I just love using the Skyn Iceland Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels. I know the latter produces a bit of a placebo effect and is one that can be duplicated by sticking two cold spoons under your eyes, but there’s something about them that is just so satisfying. Even just thinking about them makes me want to fish them out my drawers right this minute…

FOR DRY SKIN: Now here is where the oils come into play. Of course there’s the most recent addition – Sunday Riley’s Sleeping Luna Oil, which I spoke about here – but I will always have a special place in my heart for MV Organic’s Rose Plus Booster that is just like a tall glass of ice cold water for my pores. It sinks in beautifully, can be used in the AM or PM and doesn’t leave you feeling like you could fry up a Full English on your face. Really, there’s nothing quite like it. I also switch up my toner (you noticing a trend here?) to the Tata Harper Hydrating Floral Essence which oomphs up my hydration levels, without having to slap on anything heavy.

On my skincare menu today? A hefty dollop of cleanser to remove all the white paint I’ve flicked over myself. Nothing but glamour over here guys.
