
The Fitness Files: June


Say hello to this month’s instalment of The Fitness Files; an update of all things sweaty that drops on the first of every month. You ready for round six? Let’s do this…

THE SONG TO ADD TO YOUR PLAYLIST – Mark has really got me into Belle & Sebastian’s ‘Nobody’s Empire’ which isn’t the most thumping tune, but is nicely melodic and uplifting. I picture people bounding down pavements with a smile on their face to this one.

THE WORKOUT VIDEO TO GIVE A GO –  now it’s not a workout video, but more of a motivational piece that will get you moving, because, if Casey Neistat’s ‘Intensity’ video doesn’t make you want to get off your bum and go for a run then I don’t know what would (news of Ryan Gosling serving pizza down the road perhaps?). Screw reading the rest of this and watch it now.

THE RECIPE THAT’S WORTH A WHIRL – Chia Seed Jam. The recipe I used was from Madeleine Shaw’s ‘Get The Glow’, but there are a tonne on the web. It’s as easy as mashing up your chosen fruit, adding a heap of Chia Seeds and a smidge of Honey if you fancy. Slathered on homemade bread it’s a sweet start to the day.

THE FITNESS CLOTHING PIECE TO ADD TO YOUR WARDROBE – so we all know by now that I’m a bit of a Yoga with Adriene fangirl, so when her ‘Find What Feels Good’ merch came back into stock I was primed and ready to make an order. It arrived in a week or so and it’s now what I wear to get my yogi flow on every morning. The tank is flattering, not too loose or too tight and I picked up a size L incase anyone’s interested.

THE ROUTINE THAT I’LL BE DOING FOR JUNE – after a pretty abysmal April fitness-wise, May was when I stepped it back up. I did the 30 Day Yoga Challenge again and completed it. Man, I love those videos. I always feel so cranky and inflexible (which I am) at the beginning, but by the end I feel stronger and my heels are a tinier bit closer to touching the ground in downward dog. It’s a nice way of tracking and seeing progress. There’s a lot going on in June, so I know I’m not going to be able to commit to a rigid schedule, but I would like to incorporate some of Elle Fit’s Get Bendy into my routine, while keeping the yoga going a few times a week. One day I’ll be able to touch my toes….one day…
