
Thanks to BECCA & Jaclyn Hill My #HighlightsOnFleek

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When people ask who I’m watching on YouTube right now I find myself yelling in reply ‘Jaclyn Hill – YAAAASSSSSS‘. I started saying ‘YAAASSSSSS’ after basically everything I say just to wind Mark up and now it’s something that even he says about 10 times a day. It’s the Jaclyn effect people! It’s catching. I love her hair, her makeup, her dogs and her highlight #HighlightOnFleek. So when she announced her collaboration with BECCA Cosmetics I was all over it. The brainchild of this partnership was the Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed in Champagne Pop – you like my use of props above? Now please do excuse the battered appearance of my compact, but it’s an old picture and there’s a little story to tell…

On the day of release on Sephora, I refreshed the page every 5 seconds until it popped up as ‘In Stock’. I came, I saw, I purchased and a week later an extremely battered parcel arrived, containing an extremely battered Champagne Pop inside. Boo. Though I managed to resurrect it with some rum and kitchen roll (DON’T DO THIS AT HOME KIDS), Sephora kindly refunded me as each time I used it I smelt of rum and coke and had to use a light hand. It wasn’t an ideal situation. Being in moving flats limbo I couldn’t reorder so instead pinned my hopes on picking one up when I was in L.A.

I traipsed around many Sephora without much luck, until on the evening of our #BeautyChatLIVE event I wandered into a store that had three on the shelves. THREE! With Lily, the enabling devil, on my shoulder I panic purchased two. I know, I know. Limited edition things, plus Lily’s calm persuasion do these things to me. Thankfully they both made it home in one piece (I packed one in my hand luggage just so I could be sure of its safety) and now I can swirl my brush in it till my heart is content knowing there’s a back-up should I ever reach pan. But you know what? I’m not sure I ever will because this stuff seriously packs a punch in the shimmer department.

Whereas a lot of other highlighters I own run more on the cool side of things, this offering is most definitely warm and imparts and a rosy golden glow to the cheekbones. It’s not the subtlest of nods to highlight, but I’m kinda loving layering it on right now and bringing a bit of dewiness to my skin during our particularly cold and sweat-free summer here in the UK. It’s just currently a step in my routine that makes me feel pretty fabulous each time I brush it on and I find myself squealing ‘YAASSSSS’ during even though I’m home alone. My highlight is most definitely on fleek.
