
Spotted in Allure

It’s no big secret that my favourite read of all is Allure magazine. 250 pages of pure US-imported beauty beef; I make the monthly pilgrimage to Selfridges to shell out £4.40 for a copy and often almost pass my stop on the tube through being well and truly caught-up in its makeup musings. Filled with a bit of everything, but one of my favourite things to mull over while flicking through is the adverts. Strange I know. But it’s a good way of spotting what is heading over to this side of the pond soon and from brands that aren’t so accessible over here, what to add to your list next time you’re US-bound (pah – I wish!). So here’s what caused me to snap and save when I eyed up their May issue…

Being in the midst of a drugstore polish push, the L’Oreal Colour Riche Nail ad had me cooing over their featured page. Now after a bit of google-centric research it turns out that these have been sitting in the aisles of Boots and the likes for yonks, they’re just packaged-up differently overseas. But it does look like some new shades are on their way, and Orange You Jealous? has been added to my lacquer lurker list. Now not strictly an ad, but the appearance of Josie Maran’s Coconut Watercolour Cheek Gelée had me swooning and sulking at the same time – so puuurty, but when are we going to get a slice of the Miss Maran action over here? I’m a sucker for anything with the word ‘gelée’ in it – I just like saying it out loud – but don’t these blushes look just darn gorgeous? Head over Tiffany’s blog post if you wish to tease yourself a little more.

Now this one got me excited, an Origins GinZing Moisturiser?! A full-face take on their best-selling eye cream. Turns out it’s already launched over here and is available for order now on the Origins site – when did that one sneak up on us? With a day moisturiser shaped hole in my skincare stash I’m pretty excited to say it’s already in my grasps. Review in progress. I’ll end things with a new brand alert: Gud, a beauty branch off from Burt’s Bees offering fab smelling natural and organic haircare apparently. Interesting.

As I said I head to Selfridges for my Allure fix, but I also once had a subscription through News Stand and I’ve heard you can subscribe via iPad but I love to have this hunk of a beauty bible in my hands. And yes one day this will be the sole cause of me missing my tube stop.
