
My Primer & Setting Spray Stash – What’s Left?

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Continuing on with my ‘What the hell is left after my mahoosive clear out?‘ series, I thought today I would tackle the contents of my primer and spray stash. This was one area that had got a little out of control. If a primer promised hydration and dewiness then I wanted needed it. My setting spray collection was a little more edited already, perhaps because there’s not as many on the market, but once I got round to clearing out and actually examining the contents of my primer tubes one-by-one I realised how many were just dupes of each other and how many were off and smelt like a bizarre mix of plastic and mushrooms (so grim). So now I’m down to three primers and two sprays…

Laura Mercier Hydrating Foundation Primer – I kept this one mainly because I feel like Laura Mercier is the Queen of primers and it would be rude not to have at least one still hanging around in my stash and from the ones I had, this was definitely my favourite. The texture is almost like a water-heavy moisturiser which means that it hydrates, but it doesn’t turn whatever you apply over the top into a massive grease-ball.

Too Faced Hangover Replenishing Face Primer – If I ever feel like my skin is really dry or I’m just feeling tired and ‘meh‘, this is the one that I reach for. It’s one of those products where others probably won’t be able to tell a difference, but I can see that my complexion looks brighter and with a bit more of a sheen than it had before. It just makes me feel ‘fresh’ – you know?

BECCA Backlight Priming Filter – This is currently my favourite primer of the ones that I have left. I had a load of other radiance-boosting formulas but I just found this to be the most natural and non-shimmery looking. It’s also light in texture so doesn’t feel greasy or oily on the skin, but just gives this gorgeous glow. Because it is so light I find this one to work really well mixed in with foundations to give them more of a silky, tinted moisturiser finish.

Urban Decay All Nighter Makeup Setting Spray – To me this is the original, and the best, makeup setting spray. Nothing else really compares or even comes close. I like this one and the Chill version, but basically Urban Decay’s setting sprays are just all kinds of fab and actually do what they say they will do and in a way that doesn’t feel like it disrupts your makeup at all or feels heavy on the skin.

Tatcha Luminous Dewy Skin MistOh my word, this spray is literally glowy, J.Lo skin in a bottle. My advice would be to go light with this as it is quite literally a liquid moisturiser and is so hydrating. Get too spray-happy with it and it feels like you have a film of oils dispersed over your face and you won’t feel too fresh (though you will probably look it). I like to apply this either before my makeup if I’m feeling a bit dry, or after if I feel like I’m looking too matte and powdery. It’s also worth noting that they do it in a travel size too… NEED.
