
My New Haircare Routine?


My haircare routine has been pretty much the same for a few months now. Bumble and Bumble Sunday Shampoo, a quick run through with The Wet Brush, a touch of the Unite 7 Seconds Leave-In Conditioner if things are a bit knotty and it’s been particularly windy or I’ve been particularly wiggly when I sleep, blow-dry and that’s it – with the odd addition of some thickening spray or dry shampoo when required. It’s simple and if I can be arsed with popping a curl or two through the lengths then we’re all good. If not, I start to look like a boy whose bowl cut has grown out. I really should head to the hairdressers soon…

I can admit it’s time to change things up a bit and my hair hasn’t been looking as shiny as it once was. Side note: this fun fact was discovered on a recent trip down Facebook picture memory lane where I realised that dayum my locks looked good when I was 18. My makeup not so much, but my arms were toned (despite the complete lack of exercise) and I used to be able to drink without getting even a smidgen of a hangover. Le sigh. But back to hair and on a trip to Space NK, a few weeks back now, I picked up a Living Proof Full Shampoo and Conditioner combo. It was a bit of an impulse purchase as I hadn’t seen any raves on it before, but I like the range, love Jen An and seem to get on with everything that I’ve purchased from them and you know what? These are no exception to the rule.

The Full range is geared towards volumising and naturally thin hair and though my strands are quite beefy, they can always do with some filling out. Now personally I didn’t find this to add a tonne of volume, but the shampoo cleaned in a clarifying, but gentle way (my favourite) and the conditioner made it much easier to brush through after washing than it has been, but didn’t add too much weight or leave things feeling greasy. My hair was just very soft and I had that feeling that you get when you’ve had your hair washed in a salon, minus the back massage thanks to the vibrating chair. And can we mention the smell?! Ah the smell. Living Proof – you’re seriously doing it for me in the haircare department right now.

Shiny hair? Sorted. But the ability to have more than two drinks without feeling like you want to vom in your bedroom bin the next day? Yeah, that’s gone… 
