
How To Have a Super Productive Week (Come Monday)


Sometimes I write posts thinly disguised as advice for you lovely lot, but actually it’s a case of attempting to ‘practice what you preach’ and they act as a bit of a kick up the rear for me. This falls into that category.

Recently I wouldn’t say I’ve been my most productive self. I actually took a rare few days off last week to put some TLC into our new home (side note: I never want to see a wallpaper steam stripper ever again in my life) and that little mini break, though it wasn’t much of a break, gave me a smidge of headspace to get back on top of shiz again. So this past week has been one of my most productive in a while. Errands have been ran, my to-do list has been ticked, it’s planning central round here and I’ve even got painted nails for once. Madness. So if you’re in need of a motivational boot up the ass this weekend then here are my top tips that I employ to have a super productive week come Monday…

HAVE A REST. I’m not the best when it comes to resting. Sure – I love a good sleep, but take me on a holiday that involves sitting by a sun lounger all day and I’ll be begging you to play bat and ball with me in the sea after about 10 minutes. Jokes aside though, it’s really important to take time for you. Even if it’s just 30 minutes in the evening to have a bath and read a good book (or watch The Office for the millionth time).

GET YOUR MEAL PLAN ON. Ah good ol’ meal planning. If you’re a regular here then you’ll already know what a fan I am of this. I’ve collated all my top tips here, but in terms of having a productive week, I’d recommend planning, buying and prepping food on a Sunday if you can. Guaranteed you’ll order less Dominoes and get your weekly spend on food down. I always like to make something that’s sweet, but healthy too on a Sunday to stop me reaching for Cadbury’s Giant Chocolate Buttons during the week.

BE REALISTIC. I’m the worst at this. I usually set myself up to complete a list of never-ending tasks by Friday, which unless I plan not to sleep for five days, is not going to happen. To combat that I try to look at my diary, see what meetings and events I’ve going on each day and plan what I can fit around it. From that I set myself a list of things to do each day, with a bit of give by Friday to mop up and finish any things that I didn’t manage to squeeze into previous days.

DO THOSE ANNOYING TASKS. NOW. My Monday morning often gets off to a slow start because I realise that I need to pop to the supermarket on my lunchbreak because there’s nothing in the fridge, so I’d better get flicking through those recipe books and/or ‘Why don’t I just quickly pop the hoover round, because my hair is everywhere‘. By doing all those annoying bits and bobs at the weekend, it will free you up in your spare time so you can actually do this thing called relaxing. I know – what a foreign word. I like to make sure the flat and myself are freshly polished and pampered, so I don’t spend Monday night dusting and/or hunched over trying to paint my toenails.
