
Fancy Starting Your New Years Resolutions NOW?


Isn’t there that saying – ‘There’s no time like the present‘? Well the other weekend it got me thinking. I always like to write down some form of New Years resolutions in the front of my notepad and whilst having a look at my ones for 2015 and thinking about what I’d like to achieve in 2016, I thought why not get started on them now? I’ll probably be too tired on 1st January anyway to do anything aside from stuff my face with leftovers and cry at Love Actually for the 7th time this festive season, so why not get moving and chipping away at those new resolutions today? I must have had a lot of sleep the night before because I was having one of those high-energy moments that felt great for me but was probably extremely grating for everyone else. Of course I haven’t turned into a minimalist, book-worm, marathon-running cook just yet, but I’ve tried to make a start. Here’s what I want to up the ante with from this point on and into 2016…

To Sweat. A New Years Resolution classic. I feel like this has been on my list ever since I left uni and my metabolism slowed down because I wasn’t ‘getting low‘ on a dance floor three nights a week. I’d say I’m pretty active as a person but I’ve still got a few fitness itches that I want to scratch; like trying out a personal trainer, giving Hot Yoga a whirl and signing up and completing a Tough Mudder. It’s ON.

To De-Clutter. You already know I’ve been on a bit of a downsizing spree recently and I bloomin’ love it. Tackling my wardrobe was a piece of cake, but over recent weekends I’ve attempted more troublesome and non-sexy categories like paperwork and photos and though my paper shredder currently hates me, it feels good to apply this minimalism-esque aspect to other areas of my life. I’ve recently found some great YouTube channels related to streamlining – holler if you’re interested and I’ll share ’em all.

To Cook. I love to cook, but time is a real bummer and sometimes in the evening an online order of pizza just seems like the easiest thing to do. I’d really like to get into meal prepping for the week on a Sunday, inspired by this post I saw on Back To Her Roots. Doesn’t that look good? I think it’s a great way to enjoying some cooking when you’ve got time on your side and to avoid all-to-frequent Domino’s deliveries.

To Read. I must admit that my reading list for the past 12 months has been woefully short, but in recent weeks I’ve tried to up my reading game and have been grabbing for my current read instead of my phone; especially during weekend lie-ins. I got a tonne of books on Jess Lively’s recommendation and first up is ‘The Slight Edge‘ which should give me a motivational kick up the rear for the new year.
