‘An Edited Life’ Worksheet Bundle

Six free-to-download print-out PDF worksheets to help you organise and edit all aspects of your work and home life; from weekly planning to food shopping templates, and budget trackers to travel packing guides. The perfect side-kick to
‘An Edited Life’ to get your planning wheels in motion today…
Packing guides for both short-haul and long-haul travel and handy tips to keep in mind the next time you head on holiday.
Advice on how to create a budget from scratch; including templates to use for both beginners and those who have found their budgeting flow.
Capsule Wardrobe
A five-step plan for curating your very own capsule wardrobe and a yearly tracker to help inform future clothing purchases.
Weekly Planner
The one-page weekly planner that you *need* to help keep your to-do list concise, prioritise tasks and actually tick your tasks off.
Meal planning
Two worksheets to help you plan out your meals for the week and a shopping list template to fill out and stick to.
Fitness Routine
Set yourself trackable fitness goals and then execute them with the handy routine planner that tracks your workouts and rest days.