
Workout Planning 101

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One of my most screen-grabbed genre of Snapchats (I’m ‘viviannamakeup‘ over there if you want to join in the fun) is anything to do with workouts. Whether it’s a close up of my new leggings (I get it – I’m a legging lover too) or showing you the written version of the workout I’ve just done, you lot seem to be interested in what I get up to sweat-wise during the week, so today I thought I’d share my current routine.

I started getting into resistance training at the beginning of the year. Before that I was pretty into my yoga, despite being extremely inflexible and running – although I had to give that up due to shin splints, which still ache a little even now when I get on a treadmill (I ain’t mad about that, running was never my forte). I eased myself in with two sessions a week, three if I could fit it in and I pretty quickly, after the initial sessions where I could barely stand-up/sit-down for a couple of days, began to love it. It’s made me stronger, more toned and I love the fact that each session is a competition with yourself to improve on the last. These are the things I try to remember when my PT, Paul, is making me do a wall sit and I want to cry.

So here’s what my routine currently looks like: resistance training three times a week (either with Paul or my sister because it’s way more fun than doing it on my own), one short and sweet cardio session of 30 minutes and then one or more Yin Yoga/stretching sessions. I’ve been doing this for the past couple of months and I find that it works well for me; I can usually squeeze all this in and still get all my daily tasks done and I find that doing at least something everyday during the week is a nice way to mix up my day a little. At the weekend I chill, pack away my trainers and eat my bodyweight in Phish Food.

In terms of scheduling, I like to sit down at the beginning of every month and write myself a month-long plan in a word document (that’s where I made the little table that you see above). It’s a bit of a rough plan, but I look at what I’ve got in my diary for the next four weeks and give myself an idea of when I can fit everything in. Then each Sunday evening I firm up that plan, texting Paul and my sister to see what times they can do that week and then scheduling those and my cardio session and yin yoga into my diary so I don’t forget/don’t end up doing them.

It’s a pretty regimented way of doing things, but only that or a new pair of workout leggings is what will make me haul my ass to the gym. It’s a tried and tested routine and weirdly *whispers* I enjoy it. I love a bit of routine me. Such a rebel.
