
The One Where We Have a Good Ol’ Chat


For the last Weekend Post of this year I thought I’d just sit down and tap away at my keyboard to bash out a bit of a rambly one if that’s ok? My dressing gown is on, my hair up in some kind of odd ’90’s half up/half down do (yay for short hair that won’t go up in a ponytail) and I’ve got a Cadbury’s selection box next to me so life is good right now…

I feel like that’s the general vibe of 2015 really. It was a good year. Mark and I moved out of London and to a place where it’s no longer over an hour drive to see family and friends (seriously London is bloody huge!). We can walk to see people! It’s a revelation. We’re finally in a flat where we can swing a cat around and I no longer have to write blog posts next to the kitchen bin which is very exciting. So we now have somewhere that’s a little less temporary and feels more like home than ever before and that feels nice.

Blog-wise it’s been a good’un too. I’ve read every single one of your comments on the ‘What Do You Want to See More of on VDM?’ thread and will be taking it all on board for the new year. The general consensus was to spice things up with a few more interior and style-related posts, so they’ll be more content filed under those categories coming your way very soon. Expect that to filter down to my YouTube channel as well. Of course beauty is always going to be at the heart of what I put out there because I’m a magpie for foundation, matte lipstick and waterproof mascaras, but it’s nice to experiment with new things like the Capsule Wardrobe and maybe the odd home-y video too.

The other thing that I plan to change in the new year? I think I might take a proper, proper holiday. Since early 2012 I’ve posted a little musing every day (aside Christmas Day) on here, so I think 2016 might be the year where there’s the odd VDM hiatus here and there. Reset, refresh, relax and all that. It’s good for the brain. Fun fact: each time I write the word brain I check about 14 times that I haven’t written Brian. 

Well that was a little bit serious wasn’t it? I hope it didn’t bore you to death but sometimes it’s good just to chat and type and eat a Flake. Mmmmm Flake. Right – now it’s time to start the Fudge… 
