
If Filofax Did Makeup Bags…

If Filofax did makeup bags, then it would look a little like this - Paul & Joe’s Floral Makeup Bag. A handy A5-sized zipped sack housing a pocket perfect for extras, a makeup brush home and two mini bags that can be clipped in ringbinder stylée. I’ve mentioned it before, but I can’t stop whipping this out and giving people the guided tour (it’s currently top of my sister’s wishlist). It’s not the biggest out there – I find it to be the perfect size for a humble weekend amount of makeup – but this stationery-like storage solution has me sold. My usual base choices, miscellaneous tools and a few colour options pack it out, but it’s enough for me and if the chance for a summer holiday arises, then this will be first in the suitcase.

I picked mine up from Selfridges on Oxford Street, though it flits in and out of stock on their website, but for £25 I’ll take the hit for a cosmetics clutch that fully satisfies my highly organisational needs. It may just be my favourite makeup bag yet.
